One thing Caroline Myss taught me about intuition

I studied with Caroline Myss for decades… I still do. She taught me a considerable amount on intuition.

How it works, how to listen, why we don’t… and so much more.

I wrote this letter to my Hearth+Table members earlier and felt moved to share in case you need to read it today. xo lisa

Hi Beauties…

I’m sitting at my favorite coffee shop with my matcha and coconut milk on ice (I know.. don’t judge me.. plus this is the only caffeine I can tolerate.. i love it!)… and I need to basically rewrite my sales pages to reflect

the changes I’ve been making in my business…

But am taking a little break to connect with you, which brings me deep pleasure always.

Many of you that have worked with me individually, came to our work together in a moment of big transition, although you didn’t always see

it that way then… you just knew something wasn’t working, and that it was too painful to stay ’tight in the bud’… when you were getting

the big push from your soul to stir things up… And so you did. And while you often came for body and eating related complaints (not always),

we saw that what was wanting your attention was something much bigger, something that would feed your wholeness.

And I am thinking of you all today… at different moments of taking your needs more seriously, of finding your voice in new ways.. and how

that initially can for sure make things feel ‘worse’…

It’s true that we don’t go from zero to 60…

The pain we feel is typically not new, not really sudden although it may erupt in a crisis that feels very sudden.

It has typically been building.. while we try to make do.. while we try to improve ourselves… while we try to avoid

that pit in our stomach that tells us it’s time for a change that we often wish we didn’t have to think about.

I think I have talked about this before… the time my long time teacher Caroline Myss talked about intuition and

stretching time and addictive patterns in class.

She said essentially…. that when our intuition is trying to reach us… if we are not ready to hear the truth, we will try to

stretch time by instead turning to an addictive pattern. In other words, instead of allowing the intuitive hit… to hit.. to take in

the truth that is trying to reach us…. we will instead buy time by reaching for one of our favorite most used addictive habits.

Maybe somebody will reach for food. Or work more… or find themselves shopping online etc.

It’s so hard to believe when things are falling apart that there will be anything good afterwards.

And yet… we always have choices… and I believe we are rewarded when we are brave, when we keep our hearts

soft and open, when we speak honestly, and when we surrender to the larger unseen forces of good that spin

the world.

And when we are making changes, when we are looking at losses, when we know that something big is starting

to erupt even when we can only hear the faintest rumblings…. it’s good to remember a couple of things,

Here are a few.

1. Keep things very small and very simple. Commit to bits of of order… make your bed. Keep your wake times and bed times consistent.

Our 24 hour rhythms are hugely important when we are in crisis and overall in terms of managing any kind of mood or neurological wobbles.

This includes how you feed yourself. I have a lot to say about that but not here. But do not skip meals.. do not engage in crazy detoxes or cleanses

as much as you think it would make you feel ‘clean’ or powerful. When we are in the midst of change, our hormones and adrenal glands need

steadiness,..regular feedings… regular doses of real food, not things in bags or boxes or that are delivered. Simple simple food, early to bed and rise, making

your bed, taking a little walk…. All of these matter and will hold you steady. Trust me on this. I have known and studied this forever personally and professionally,

2. Find a quiet practice that you…. practice. Small bits of meditation. Regular dips into quietude and solitude. Breathe and breathe. Add a mantra. Count your breaths.

Focus on softening your body, your heart. Focus on your ‘innocence’ that we spoke about this past week.

3. One of the most powerful practices, my bias as you know from working with me… is writing. Not beautiful poetic flowing deep writing. Nope~

we are talking about the down and dirty, visceral, purging, vomiting onto the paper. Start with the body.. what do you notice what you do you feel, what emotions are hanging around, what thoughts are circling…?? Get it onto the paper. Write for 20 minutes without stopping your hand, without stopping to think of what to write. when you hit a blank, just keep your hand moving even if you write ‘i am moving my hand’ or “this is stupid and i hate it’… as you do more stuff will rise to the surface and you can get that onto the paper. The point is to get it out of your body… we want to drain a little off the top, take out the trash, clear some space. It is a powerful tool

and I have seen people move thru massive challenges just using this and seeing results even though they and probably you think you ‘hate’ writing.. do it anyways.

4. Trust that things are not working against you but FOR you. Trust that each of these crises or transitions is for you.. that your soul is orchestrating things

so you can truly feed your wholeness.. become more magnificently you… When you can get past some of the Victim archetype’s narrative… you will feel a bit better. When I look back on my life, I see so clearly some of the Divine Design… things i never would have been able to choose for myself b/c of fear or whatever… and yet things that led

me to becoming more me in the best ways.

I want that for you.

With so much love xo lisa

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