Preventing Winter Weight Gain

Worried about gaining weight in Winter? For many of us, winter can seem like our enemy! Getting out of bed can be challenging, our cravings for comfort foods can increase and our daily exercise routine can be easily replaced with a night curled up on the sofa. In this article, Susie discusses the reasons why winter and weight gain go hand in hand and offers her expert advice on how to ensure you avoid the dreaded winter weight gain.

Worried about gaining weight in Winter? For many of us, winter can seem like our enemy! Getting out of bed can be challenging, our cravings for comfort foods can increase and our daily exercise routine can be easily replaced with a night curled up on the sofa. In this article, Susie discusses the reasons why winter and weight gain go hand in hand and offers her expert advice on how to ensure you avoid the dreaded winter weight gain.

SOURCE: HIF Lifestyle Blog – Read entire story here.