Provinces Continue to Voice Concerns Regarding Dental Care Plan


While more details have been revealed regarding the roll-out of the Canadian Dental Care Plan, many provinces have continued to voice their concerns about how the new program will work alongside the existing provincial programs.

The CBC reported that P.E.I will begin using the federal program as a first resort and while their provincial program will become the last resort.

Spokespeople from Alberta have declared that they wish more funding could have been given to the pre-existing programs rather than the creation of a brand new one.

The Indigenous Dental Association of Canada has also spoken up. CBC reports, “McKinstry said it doesn’t matter how much money is available for dental care if there is no one in your community offering services, or if you’re facing barriers such as racism in the health-care system.” Improving access to services for those in remote locations is the largest concern rather than increased coverage.

Read more from the CBC.

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