QEEG Neurofeedback in the Diagnosis and Treatment of PTSD

QEEG guided neurofeedback has given us the ability to diagnose and treat serious disorders such as PTSD through concrete evidence of neural activity. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) may occur in individuals who have been victims of traumatic events that are outside the range of our usual human experience. The trauma may be the result of physical or sexual abuse, serious accidents or combat. Individual who suffer from PTSD often live in a world of extreme hyper-vigilance, anxiety, and isolation and may suffer from disturbing nightmares and flashbacks. Conventional treatment for PTSD typically involves long-term psychotherapy and continuous use of medications that may mask symptoms rather than addressing the root cause. All too often, clients become discouraged and end therapy prematurely before they are truly

Andrea CopelandQEEG guided neurofeedback has given us the ability to diagnose and treat serious disorders such as PTSD through concrete evidence of neural activity.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) may occur in individuals who have been victims of traumatic events that are outside the range of our usual human experience. The trauma may be the result of physical or sexual abuse, serious accidents or combat. Individual who suffer from PTSD often live in a world of extreme hyper-vigilance, anxiety, and isolation and may suffer from disturbing nightmares and flashbacks.

Conventional treatment for PTSD typically involves long-term psychotherapy and continuous use of medications that may mask symptoms rather than addressing the root cause. All too often, clients become discouraged and end therapy prematurely before they are truly able to resolve their trauma and recover a sense of safety and contentment. This is where QEEG guided neurofeedback comes in, by locating and addressing the areas in the brain that are not preforming optimally.

Neurofeedback can be used to display a continuous stream of information from the client’s brain. This information is shared with the clients, so that they can train themselves to achieve a more desirable state of being. Knowing they can learn to relax themselves at will provides a tremendous sense of empowerment. As a result they will also notice they are able to rest easier and feel calmer and more confident.

Neurofeedback for PTSD typically consists of 20 to 30 training sessions. During these sessions, clients may begin to recall forgotten details about the traumatic events that caused the disorder. They develop a new ability to tolerate these memories due to improved emotional resilience and sense of ease offered by neurofeedback training.

Neurofeedback can also be used in conjunction with other treatment modalities to measure their effectiveness and determine what types of treatment are most effective for the client.

For more information, see High Tech That Heals: The Use of Neurofeedback in the Treatment of Eating Disorders

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