Rethink "Repeal and Replace" and Consumer Friendly Obamacare Fixes – Two Op-Eds in USA Today

I have no doubt Republicans will insist on proposing their own complex plan to reform the health insurance system that will include repealing and replacing Obamacare. But I think it is going to get them into more political trouble than it’s worth. Here’s the first of my two of op-eds in Thursday’s USA Today: Rethink "Repeal and Replace" Of course that begs a question, Just what should we do

I have no doubt Republicans will insist on proposing their own complex plan to reform the health insurance system that will include repealing and replacing Obamacare.

But I think it is going to get them into more political trouble than it’s worth.

Here’s the first of my two of op-eds in Thursday’s USA Today: Rethink "Repeal and Replace"

Of course that begs a question, Just what should we do
SOURCE: Health Care Policy and Marketplace Review – Read entire story here.