Robb Wolf – Linoleic Acid, Saturated Fat Type 1, Migraine with Aura

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News Topic:

Lab-Grown Meat’s Carbon Footprint Potentially Worse Than Retail Beef

Show Notes:

How to LOWER LDL on Keto. No meds!

Feverfew for Migraine

Migraine Prevention through Ketogenic Diet: More than Body Mass Composition Changes

Elimination Diet for Migraine



Linoleic Acid

Gerry writes: 

Rob and Nickie..

Fellow Montanans here.. from the Kalispell area snd have seen you both around town! Hope you are enjoying Bozo town, you will definitely get more sunshine there..

My wife and I have been avoiding seed oils for several years now.

Recently, I heard Dr.Mercola speak about the dangers of linoleic acid. He urged everyone to avoid bacon and eggs from conventionally fed chickens and pigs. He stated that the soy and corn fed to these animals contains seed oils and is stored in muscle and fat.. When we eat bacon or eggs we are loading up on toxic fats!

I have not heard others warn of this danger, even high profile carnivore advocates..

I have been carnivore for over a year and noticed much less joint pain and substantial weight loss .,

Bacon and eggs are a major part of my diet! It’s is disheartening to think of avoiding them.

What do you two think about this??



Saturated Fat for Type 1

Will writes

I’m a 51 y/o type 1 diabetic. I’m 5’10” and 170 lbs. I’m also very lean and carry a healthy amount of muscle mass. Since I’m wholly reliant on exogenous insulin, I’m hyper aware of my own insulin sensitivity, or lack thereof. Every time I eat a large bolus of saturated fat, especially beef, my insulin sensitivity drops dramatically and I end up taking 2 – 3 times the amount of insulin for a known food than normal. The worst food offenders are saturated fat + starch combinations like steak and potato or coconut curry and rice. Even if I restrict the carbs completely, large doses of saturated fat leave me chasing blood sugars and often injecting large doses of insulin to counteract the high glucose levels. Aside from limiting intake of beef, lamb, and other meats containing lots of saturated fat, what proteins would you rely on for health and body composition?


Migraine with Aura

Renea writes:

My daughter has suffered from monthly migraines since the age of 2. She vomits every-time. Around the age of 8 she began getting migraines with aura and the vomiting went from one occurrence to 6-15 hours long. She is now 12, almost out of puberty and still suffers from auras. We have tried a lot of functional medicine but can’t seem to find many answers. Her neurologist wants to put her on anti seizure meds but we have put it off due to the side effects of that class of drug. Preventative drugs are not favored either due to the side effects.

I too suffer from auras but only get them when I workout at 100% (CrossFit causes many of my auras and have since stopped CF) I try to workout at 80% to prevent them. Any advice how to prevent auras with migraine?




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