Sacred Listening-Intuitive readings for you

Sacred listening is a new term I’m using. It’s very related to living in your Intuitive Body, getting the guidance you’re meant to hear, that’s only for you in that very moment, and then trusting what you KNOW so that you’re living in connection, with meaning and love and intentions that support you. It’s a gentle way of being that connects you to each moment in ways that support you. This can be your greatest power. Trust me on this. I wanted to also let you in on something that’s coming that feels like everything I love about springtime (I’m a spring-born and it’s definitely my time). New projects and ideas are flowing in~ I have a 7

Sacred Listening Intuitive BodySacred listening is a new term I’m using. It’s very related to living in your Intuitive Body, getting the guidance you’re meant to hear, that’s only for you in that very moment, and then trusting what you KNOW so that you’re living in connection, with meaning and love and intentions that support you. It’s a gentle way of being that connects you to each moment in ways that support you. This can be your greatest power. Trust me on this.

I wanted to also let you in on something that’s coming that feels like everything I love about springtime (I’m a spring-born and it’s definitely my time). New projects and ideas are flowing in~

I have a 7 month very beautiful and intimate group beginning soon on healing eating/weight AND money issues through the 7 energy centers of the body/ the Chakras…I have wanted to teach this literally for 11 years.. I got the idea so long ago and it’s time to offer it now. My dear friend and extraordinary money coach will be co-leading.. all virtual… 7 months.. loads of new techniques and resources and an intimate group to play with all the pieces with- I am sending invites soon but if you want to know more.. email me .

I also want to share a new daily practice of mine and see if it’s something that calls  to you. For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been pausing amidst the rituals that start my days and asking myself “What do I know right now?”

Then comes a few moments of what I call Sacred Listening- daily intuitive readings to support your day.

It feels like the seas parting in this instant. All of the swirl of thoughts and places that were hijacking my attention pause, and up bubbles this piece of clarity that has its own voice, its own knowing.

If you are practiced in any kind of intuitive listening, opening to hearing guidance that comes from the higher part of you (your Divine Identity) you may know what these moments feel like.

To me they feel like gifts. I ask and there it is. Something I wasn’t even thinking about or making any effort to figure out emerges with such simplicity and clarity.

I was getting tired of being on social media in the usual ways (Facebook is my main hangout) and so decided to use these daily messages as something I could share on my personal Facebook page. I’ve loved posting these pieces regularly and have gotten some wonderful feedback.

So two things I want to ask you about this~

1. Could you try something similar on your own? Pick a moment of your day~first moments of the day are really good for this~ get quiet just for a bit, and ask your self what you know at that moment. Don’t try to force anything or guide your thoughts to anything particular.

Sacred Listening is about receiving and trusting that you will hear what you need. It may take a bit of getting used to if you don’t tap into your intuitive guidance much. Don’t worry, this is an easy way to begin and you absolutely can’t do it wrong. Ask… and then listen. Sit for a moment or two and let yourself digest what finds you. How can you allow this to shape your day? Is there anything you need to do or can you just be with it as guidance?

This practice can let you move through each day connected to your true purpose, your true nature and the gifts that are yours to share.

I never know what wants to find me in those moments but it’s been interesting to see what the thread is each day that presents itself when I make space for it. Just make sure you’re relatively relaxed, and can bring yourself into a quiet receptive way of being.

2. Next thing I want to ask is if you’d like to receive my daily #MyIntuitiveBodyKnows messages. I’d love to share them with you and also hear how they apply to your own life that day.

You can find the messages on my IntuitiveBody page on Facebook. I would so love to see you there, just “Like” the page and we’ll be connected every day around a new topic. I’ve enjoyed posting a real variety of things, whether on the body, friendship, self-love, rituals, intuition… it’s been a huge mix.

I’ve loved committing these pieces of daily guidance into a practice for me, but also for you. Bits of thought and my intuition around what wants our attention that day. You can provide daily intuitive readings for your self.

I’ve seen that what my Intuitive Body Knows has had application and use beyond my own clarity. I would love if it was something that supported and served you too.

I also have a new introductory session I’m offering called Opening the Door. You and I will focus on something that has been feeling heavy or weighty to you, and I will give you immediate intuitive and psychic guidance, solutions, new insights and a plan. In many ways, the lightness comes during our session~I’ve seen it over and over, the shift that comes right as we are meeting. This is what I love, this is what I do, this is how I absolutely can help you. This session can also be a gateway for a more focused relationship for us to lighten and heal something over time.
Spring is making her presence known… like me you may be feeling the energies coming in and wanting to transform whatever is in the way of you blooming and growing into your beauty. Take the ride with me. Reply to this email or go to the page for Opening The Door, and let’s begin.

With so much love and every blessing,

Lisa xox

The post Sacred Listening-Intuitive readings for you appeared first on IntuitiveBody.

SOURCE: IntuitiveBody – Read entire story here.