Seeking clarity? Ask the right questions

When you’re seeking clarity, guidance or healing, the questions you ask matter. So often when we’re moving through changes or transitions or just trying to figure everything the *&{c754d8f4a6af077a182a96e5a5e47e38ce50ff83c235579d09299c097124e52d}^ out… we ask questions that limit us and keep things from unfolding more powerfully (and more beautifully). We typically ask questions that sound like “Why is this happening to me”. From that question the information that’s trying to reach you…can’t and won’t. Change the question and perspective and something else comes towards you. It’s a great big huge shift. Usually our questions go something like this: Why is this happening? Why didn’t they do this/that? Why aren’t I getting this? When will this change? How come

Get clear by asking the right questionsWhen you’re seeking clarity, guidance or healing, the questions you ask matter.

So often when we’re moving through changes or transitions or just trying to figure everything the *&{c754d8f4a6af077a182a96e5a5e47e38ce50ff83c235579d09299c097124e52d}^ out… we ask questions that limit us and keep things from unfolding more powerfully (and more beautifully).

We typically ask questions that sound like “Why is this happening to me”.

From that question the information that’s trying to reach you…can’t and won’t.

Change the question and perspective and something else comes towards you. It’s a great big huge shift.

Usually our questions go something like this:
Why is this happening?
Why didn’t they do this/that?
Why aren’t I getting this?
When will this change?
How come she can do that and I can’t?

All of these kinds of commonly asked questions keep you in a little teensy box, no light can get in.

Such are the questions of the “Why-Me” path.

Instead change the question and change the answers~ plus your perspective and how you position yourself in the world.

How? Good question :)

Try one of these instead…when you open your eyes, ask:

What wants to unfold in me today?
What is mine to give birth to today?
What is trying to find me?
What’s been pursuing me?
What can I fall in love with today?

So very different.

As you try these questions on, can you sense the different quality of the energy in the second set of questions compared with the first?

For me, the second set feels like a gorgeous spring breeze. In comes possibility. In comes creation energy. In comes empowerment and clarity. In comes the opportunity for something beautiful and intentional and purposeful.

These questions inspire something to rise up in us and through us.

As you pose these questions you open a stream of powerful energy that hears the shift in you and begins to swirl events and people and ideas to your door.

To claim our unique talents and gifts and bring them forth into the world as only we can.

And I want that for you. Always always.

And~While we’re on the topic of bringing everything that is uniquely yours forward…

I love this single session offering.

Opening The Door badge

It’s perfect to get clear, to get inspired, to create something new and gorgeous into form..
Where do you want to feel lighter? In your body? Around your eating? In a certain relationship? This is a super focused session for you with real solutions, my intuitive reading plus my 30 years as a psychotherapist. You+me. Plus prescribed rituals to support you in moving into lightness and ease.
Interested? Send me a note via Contact page or an email to Lisa at IntuitiveBody dot com. I’ll send you the Hidden Beauty Questions that will begin to create a new vision as soon as you begin writing (short and sweet, but powerful). xox

The post Seeking clarity? Ask the right questions appeared first on IntuitiveBody.

SOURCE: IntuitiveBody – Read entire story here.