Summer is Coming!

Happy Mother’s Day!  I had an amazing day celebrating with my mom and my siblings.  We had a yummy lunch of hamburgers and hotdogs and salad and veggies!  It was a nice, relaxing day with lots of good talking. It dawned on me that summer is really almost here.  Time for bathing suits and flip flops and everyone seeing you half naked! AGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you ready?  Me neither.  I have just the solution for you…another Dietbet. This game only costs you $25 to play and you will be so thankful in June when you not only have lost weight but have some extra money.  The people who lose 4{c754d8f4a6af077a182a96e5a5e47e38ce50ff83c235579d09299c097124e52d} of their starting weight split the total pot…usually almost doubling their money.  All weigh in’

Happy Mother’s Day!  I had an amazing day celebrating with my mom and my siblings.  We had a yummy lunch of hamburgers and hotdogs and salad and veggies!  It was a nice, relaxing day with lots of good talking.

It dawned on me that summer is really almost here.  Time for bathing suits and flip flops and everyone seeing you half naked!


Are you ready?  Me neither.  I have just the solution for you…another Dietbet.

Dietbet Logo

This game only costs you $25 to play and you will be so thankful in June when you not only have lost weight but have some extra money.  The people who lose 4{c754d8f4a6af077a182a96e5a5e47e38ce50ff83c235579d09299c097124e52d} of their starting weight split the total pot…usually almost doubling their money.  All weigh in’s are verified by a real person and they make sure all weigh in’s are legit.  It is super easy if you have the app too!

$25?  What is that like the amount of a week of coffee outside the house?  Is it worth it to motivate you to lose weight and feel better for summer?  I think it is!

So, who is in?  Join us as we lose weight and feel great just in time for summer!  Click HERE for more information and to sign up to play!

How was your Mother’s Day?  What did you have to eat?

The post Summer is Coming! appeared first on It Sux To Be Fat.

SOURCE: It Sux To Be Fat – Read entire story here.