Take Control of Your Eating

How many times a day do you think about food? 5, 10, 20, 50?!? If it’s the latter, you may consider yourself to be slightly obsessive but it’s ok, we all focus on food more than we should sometimes. According to Susie: “There are many common types of disordered eating, namely the restrictive eater, the emotional eater, the serial eater, the serial dieter, the night binger and the health enthusiast. However, unlike eating disorders, disordered eating is not a clinical condition and can often be managed with a few basic behavioural strategies.” In this post, Susie describes the different types of “disordered eaters” in detail and explains how each behaviour can be managed with a few basic behavioural strategies.

How many times a day do you think about food? 5, 10, 20, 50?!? If it’s the latter, you may consider yourself to be slightly obsessive but it’s ok, we all focus on food more than we should sometimes. According to Susie: “There are many common types of disordered eating, namely the restrictive eater, the emotional eater, the serial eater, the serial dieter, the night binger and the health enthusiast. However, unlike eating disorders, disordered eating is not a clinical condition and can often be managed with a few basic behavioural strategies.” In this post, Susie describes the different types of “disordered eaters” in detail and explains how each behaviour can be managed with a few basic behavioural strategies.

SOURCE: HIF Lifestyle Blog – Read entire story here.