Temporal Mandibular Joint Disorder

Is My Bite Balanced? Your teeth are designed to fit together like precision gears in order to function properly for eating and chewing. If something has caused an improper bite, several types of damage may occur. Bite imbalance, or malocclusion, can sometimes happen as a result of missing teeth, the misalignment, or rotation of teeth, and even improperly-designed dental work. Think about the tires on your care. If they are not balanced, and the forces on them are not spread over the tire evenly, you will notice wear and tear on certain areas and the tires will not last as long as they are designed to. You can still drive the car, but the systems can start to break down and the car will not drive

Is My Bite Balanced?

Your teeth are designed to fit together like precision gears in order to function properly for eating and chewing. If something has caused an improper bite, several types of damage may occur. Bite imbalance, or malocclusion, can sometimes happen as a result of missing teeth, the misalignment, or rotation of teeth, and even improperly-designed dental work.

Think about the tires on your care. If they are not balanced, and the forces on them are not spread over the tire evenly, you will notice wear and tear on certain areas and the tires will not last as long as they are designed to. You can still drive the car, but the systems can start to break down and the car will not drive like it should.

If you or your dentist notice some of the following signs, more analysis of your bite system might be necessary to understand the underlying causes and possible solutions: Some of the signs and symptoms may be tooth wear, night grinding, bony growths, recession and gum disease, bone loss, abfractions, and joint and muscles symptoms.

If Your Bite Is Not Balanced, What Can Be Done?

Bite Analysis is a tedious process of evaluation how the teeth are contacting one another when the jaw is at rest or going through chewing functions. Sometimes, in order to accurately analyze your bite forces your jaw muscles must remain relaxed for a period of time. This might involve wearing a device similar to a retainer that would keep the back teeth separated and prevent the muscles from firing. Data and measurements gathered at that point will show where our teeth come in contact while the jaw is properly positioned. If any discrepancies in the bite are noted, a highly trained dentist can guide you on possible ways to address the imbalance. This could include orthodontic treatment (braces), replacing some previous dental restorations, or building some teeth up with fillings or porcelain tops. It could also involve making precise adjustments to the surface of your teeth or crowns to remove any interferences that might be present.

Bite balancing will protect the investment in any dental work you may have had over the years. Patients find that it simply feels better to have your muscles and joints in their proper position. It will help you avoid potential problems which could result from a bite that is not ideal. A balanced bite, along with good oral health, will give you the best chances of keeping your teeth as long as you live.

If you feel like your bite is not ideal or if you are showing some signs of an unbalanced bite, we are here to help. We can treat your pain, improve the function of your teeth, and have you smiling again in no time. Call today for your reservation.

The post Temporal Mandibular Joint Disorder appeared first on Belle Forest Dental – Dr. John Munro.

SOURCE: Belle Forest Dental – Dr. John Munro – Read entire story here.