The 2023 Oral Health Conference: ‘All in the same boat’

Dentistry catches up with Rhiannon Jones to learn more about the highly anticipated 2023 BSDHT Oral Health Conference.

Can you share with our readers what dental hygienists and dental therapists can expect to experience at this year’s event in Bournemouth?

The Oral Health Conference (OHC), hosted by the British Society of Dental Hygiene and Therapy (BSDHT), is a flagship annual event that holds immense significance for our profession.

This year’s theme, ‘All in the same boat’, underscores the crucial role that dental professionals play not only in oral health but also in the broader healthcare arena. It’s a reminder of how we work collaboratively, supporting one another, to ensure the best possible outcomes for our patients.

At the BSDHT, we are deeply passionate about advancing oral health. We wholeheartedly dedicate ourselves to delivering top-tier education, supporting both our members and the wider oral health community, thereby uniting everyone in their pursuit of the highest standard of care.

With all this in mind, the 2023 OHC, scheduled for 24 and 25 November in Bournemouth, has been meticulously crafted to meet the multi-faceted needs of our attendees. It offers comprehensive support, expert advice, and two full days of high-calibre clinical education. Attendees will also have ample opportunity to connect with friends, colleagues, and industry experts, fostering a sense of community and professional growth.

Could you give us further insight into what attendees can expect from the conference in terms of education, networking and industry engagement?

The 2023 OHC has been thoughtfully designed to cater to the diverse needs of our attendees.

Day one sets the tone for the event with an initial focus on ‘The right care at the right time with the right people’, supported by Colgate, featuring speakers Kathryn Mayo Johnson and Fiona Sandom. This session underscores the importance of collaborative patient care.

‘Periodontitis and the 3 Is’, supported by Tepe Oral Hygiene Products, provides insights from Dr Varka Rattu on an essential dental concern. Next, Dr Fabia Profili, in her presentation on ‘New therapeutic strategies for dental enamel management’, supported by J&S Davis, introduces innovative approaches to enamel care.  Finally, Benjamin Tighe’s talk, ‘I’m a dental hygienist, get me out of here!’, supported by EMS, navigates dental hygienists through the challenges of implant care.

The evening of the first day also offers an opportunity for relaxation and networking with the ‘I feel good drinks conference’, supported by EMS, where attendees can unwind and connect in a special setting.

Seize the opportunity

Day two continues the momentum with topics like ‘Sustainability in general dental practice’, supported by NSK Ikigai Oral Hygiene Community, led by Tracy Doole. This session delves into sustainable practices in general dental care.

Next up will be Chris Byrne, exploring the impact of dry mouth in patients in a session supported by Oralieve UK. Julie Rosse, supported by Swallow Dental, will then present ‘The magic of oxygen in your practice’, highlighting the benefits of oxygen in dental care. ‘Oral health starts in the mind’, supported by Curaden UK and presented by Theodora Little, emphasises the psychological aspect of oral health.

Lastly, Laura Bailey’s session, ‘Know your patients, change the outcome’, supported by Johnson & Johnson, offers valuable insights into patient-focused care. Networking is also a key aspect of the conference, so I encourage attendees to seize opportunities to connect with their peers.

What sort of role do you think professional organisations can play for dental professionals in 2023?

Professional organisations like the BSDHT play a pivotal role in supporting dental hygienists and dental therapists.

These societies serve as a hub for knowledge exchange, networking and continuing professional development. Member societies provide a sense of belonging and a supportive community, allowing dental professionals to connect with like-minded peers who share their passion for oral health.

This sense of community is not only professionally enriching but also personally fulfilling, offering a platform for sharing experiences, challenges and best practices.

The 2023 OHC is a key part of this and promises to be a transformative experience for all members of the oral healthcare team. It’s a chance to enhance your knowledge, connect with peers and contribute to the advancement of our profession. Whether you’re an experienced practitioner or just beginning your journey, this conference has something invaluable to offer.

Don’t forget to secure your tickets and join us in Bournemouth for this exceptional event.

For more information and tickets, visit

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