The Best Food Swaps.

Are you a healthy eater? If fruit and vegetables (and lean meats if you’re a meat eater) are the foundation of your diet – good for you! If not, you might be surprised to know that even the smallest dietary swaps can take you from a ‘B’ in nutrition to a glowing ‘A+’. In this post for our Healthy Lifestyle Blog, Susie Burrell discusses an array of healthy alternatives and explains the various nutritional benefits these choices contribute towards living a healthier lifestyle. To read Susie’s article visit:

Are you a healthy eater? If fruit and vegetables (and lean meats if you’re a meat eater) are the foundation of your diet – good for you! If not, you might be surprised to know that even the smallest dietary swaps can take you from a ‘B’ in nutrition to a glowing ‘A+’. In this post for our Healthy Lifestyle Blog, Susie Burrell discusses an array of healthy alternatives and explains the various nutritional benefits these choices contribute towards living a healthier lifestyle. To read Susie’s article visit:

SOURCE: HIF Lifestyle Blog – Read entire story here.