The Daily Diet Mistakes

Diet fails… we all have them, right? According to Susie: “It often comes as a surprise to my clients that it’s not the one-off treats, restaurant meals or fast food that sees our diets go off the rails; Rather, it’s the poor dietary habits that become so deeply entrenched that we are not even aware of them.” In this post, Susie explores the top three most common issues that prevent people from reaching their weight-loss goals and offers her solutions to counteract them.

Diet fails… we all have them, right? According to Susie: “It often comes as a surprise to my clients that it’s not the one-off treats, restaurant meals or fast food that sees our diets go off the rails; Rather, it’s the poor dietary habits that become so deeply entrenched that we are not even aware of them.” In this post, Susie explores the top three most common issues that prevent people from reaching their weight-loss goals and offers her solutions to counteract them.

SOURCE: HIF Lifestyle Blog – Read entire story here.