Top 10 Ways to Lose Weight Like a Champion

I’m back!  I will do a vlog later today and then my goal is to do at least four days of vlog’s this week.  No-matter-what.  No more excuses!  Sorry I didn’t keep you posted last week.  I have been going through some things that have gotten in the way of updating you and for that, I am sorry!  Moving on… You are going to LOVE this post!  I got so much out of it just from writing it out!  I love it when that happens… On Monday night, Jacynta gave an amazing talk on losing weight like a champion.  I took away so many amazing things from it and I asked her if it was ok if I shared it with you.  

I’m back!  I will do a vlog later today and then my goal is to do at least four days of vlog’s this week.  No-matter-what.  No more excuses!  Sorry I didn’t keep you posted last week.  I have been going through some things that have gotten in the way of updating you and for that, I am sorry!  Moving on…

You are going to LOVE this post!  I got so much out of it just from writing it out!  I love it when that happens…

On Monday night, Jacynta gave an amazing talk on losing weight like a champion.  I took away so many amazing things from it and I asked her if it was ok if I shared it with you.  She said yes, as long as I waited until after she gave the same talk to the Thursday group.

Why I loved it so much was because if you have ever trained for something or fought for something with all your might, you can relate to all of these.  Now, all we have to do is fight for our weight loss with the same intensity.

You want to lose weight?  Think like a champion.

You want to get to goal?  Think like a champion.

You want to get healthy?  Think like a champion.

You want to lower your blood pressure?  Think like a champion.

You want to fit into your jeans again?  Think like a champion.

Every Champion was once a contender that refused to give up

How do you think like a champion?  Follow these 10 simple rules:

10.  Champions expect to WIN:  The game starts, the team goes out on the court.  Do they expect to lose?  Absolutely NOT!  They expect to WIN!  They go out their pumped up, ready to dominate.  When was the last time we went into our week like that?  Ready to win?  Ready to dominate?

9.  Champions celebrate the SMALL WINS:  I remember when I got my first basket in basketball.  I was dancing across the court like I had just hit the final shot to win the game.  Did it matter to me that it was the first shot I had gotten all season?  Nope.  Did I sit there and say, “Well, it’s about time!”  No!  I was thrilled.  The whole rest of the season, I focused on that shot I made and tried to make more.  When was the last time you celebrated a SMALL win.  A loss of 0.2?  A good decision at a restaurant?  A walk when you wanted to sit your butt on the couch and watch tv?  Champions celebrate SMALL things…not just big things!

8.  Champions don’t make excuses when they DON’T WIN:  OMG!  Can anyone else relate to this one?  I mean, I know occasionally you will get a bad ref in the game but for the most part, when champions lose, they look at what they DIDN’T do well and try to do better next time.  A champion doesn’t sit there and make excuses.  They know they sucked that day.  They learn from it and move on.  Not in weight loss.  Sometimes we say to ourself, “It was a hard week!”  “I was so tired!”  “Work took everything out of me this week!”  “It’s that time of the month!”  EXCUSES, EXCUSES, EXCUSES!  Let’s stop making excuses and learn from our crappy decisions we make and do better the next week!

7.  Champions focus on the GET TO not the HAVE TO:  Champions get to play.  They love to practice because it makes them better.  They love to get outside and shoot baskets because it helps make them better!  If a champion is whining and complaining that they HAVE TO practice, they are probably in the wrong sport.  Stop looking at weight loss as a HAVE TO and start looking at it as a GET TO.  There are many people who would love to GET TO go to a Sparkle Meeting or a Weight Watchers meeting but maybe they can’t afford it.  There are lots of people who would love to go for a walk but maybe they are injured and they can’t.  Be thankful that you GET TO do these things!

6.  Champions will experience more VICTORIES in the FUTURE:  Champions know they will be successful!  They know there are more games to win in the coming future.  They claim it and own it.  When was the last time you claimed weight loss for this week?  When was the last time you claimed victory over yourself?

5.  Champions LET GO OF MISTAKES:  They had a sucky game.  They learn from their mistakes and move on.  They don’t dwell on it for days and days.  Yesterday, I was watching a friend’s daughter play softball.  She played like a champ.  One ball went straight through her legs.  We laughed about it afterwards and she just shrugged her shoulders like, “oh well…next time!”  I love that!  She had already moved on past the mistake she made.  MOVE ON!  Stop dwelling on what you did or didn’t do last year or last week or yesterday.  It’s a new day.  Act like it.

4.  Champions know the importance of a TEAM:  This one is huge.  Without a team, a champion wouldn’t necessarily do as well.  When I ran my first half marathon, I had a teammate.  Amy encouraged me and stayed with me and pushed me to do better than I would have alone.  She helped me be a better runner (I really wanted to walk!!!).  Who do you have on your weight loss team?  Do you have a support group?  Do you have someone you can call?  If you are in the Atlanta area and don’t have support, let me know.  I have the perfect support group for you!  Don’t go a this alone!

3.  Champions focus on what they CAN CONTROL:  There are certain things in life that are out of your control.  If you have a family and have to eat differently, oh well.  You can’t control what others around you eat.  You can only control what you can do.  It all goes back to excuses!  Control what you can and leave the rest.

2.  Champions know being POSITIVE propels them further:  A champion goes into the game positive and pumped up to WIN.  When someone on the team makes a mistake during a game, they say, “That’s ok…move on!”  “Let it go!”  Would you rather be around positive people or negative people?  Negative people just suck all the energy out of everyone around them?  Make sure you are a positive person no matter what you are going through.  So you had a crappy week.  Guess what?  You get a new week starting now.  Be positive!

1.  Champions DON’T GIVE UP on their dreams:  This is huge!  Champions have a dream and they go for it.  They also work hard for it.  If they don’t make the team this year, they work hard until tryouts next year.  They work for what they want.  Are you still working on your weight loss or have you given up on yourself and your dreams?  Don’t give up.  You are worth it!

THANK YOU, Jacynta for this week’s talk. It was just what I needed and I’m sure what many others need also!  Thank you for allowing me to share it with thousands of others who are struggling!

Which one can you relate to the most?  Leave me a comment with the one you struggle with the most.  For me, I think it is number 8.  Excuses… I am going to do better with that one this week.  No excuses!

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The post Top 10 Ways to Lose Weight Like a Champion appeared first on It Sux To Be Fat.

SOURCE: It Sux To Be Fat – Read entire story here.