Dr. Susan Guzman: I think one of the things that we were curious about was, do people who are not on insulin and have type two diabetes find value in cgm. And I have to tell you. There were grief reactions when it was time to end the study and they had to stop using cgm.
Dr. Susan Guzman: One man, I thought, put it so well, he said, “it’s like I’ve been trying to navigate in a dark room, and I got to see what was, what it was like with the light on.” You know, when you have, when you’re able to make choices when you can see when you’re navigating it, it makes it a whole lot easier.
Dr. Susan Guzman: And he says, “I feel like I understand my diabetes so much differently than when I was just doing finger sticks here and there, what was happening to me at night, or times when I wouldn’t normally check, and just to make sense of numbers.” And so that was a big one. Is this how much people valued CGM when they’re not on insulin, and those are the people they get it paid for in general. Right?
Dr. Susan Guzman: So, you know, it’s, these are, these are devices that I think are game changers across the board and, and so far, that’s not necessarily what people are going to be able to utilize, you know, as of yet. Another thing I’ve heard a lot of Bill that, that I’m, I was kind of bummed and it didn’t show, is people were changing their relationships with their medication.