Trigger thumb surgery tomorrow | Diabetes Stories

I could have put a picture up here of trigger finger but they’re gross, trust me, I looked. Instead, I chose this lovely self portrait where I’m just managing to hide the offending finger.

I have to be at the surgeon’s clinic at 7:30 am tomorrow for an 8:45 am procedure. While I’ve been told the cutting takes all of ten minutes I can’t imagine what’s with all the built in time. Nonetheless tomorrow it’s up at 6 and out the door by 6:30 am.

I’ve had this trigger thumb for about two years. Its had two cortisone shots that provided temporary relief, but when I was offered a third a month ago, I simply didn’t want to keep avoiding the inevitable, and, go through another three days of upended blood sugar.

This is my first finger issue, I’ve had two frozen shoulders, one was fixed through laparoscopy, the other was worked out by a chiropractor with treatment including massage after three months. Yes, these are all part of a suite (sweet?) of comorbidities associated with diabetes.

I keep wondering what will it be like not to do the million things I do now with my right hand: tie my hair back in this atrocious heat, prepare food, wash the dishes, type, pick up my phone, my iPad, everything else, and inject insulin???

That’s about all I know, except I’m joining a whole lot of other PWDs who have walked this path, so here goes…

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