Video: How To Master Your Hormones and Weight… by Eating “High-Fat”

An epic Q&A with Holistic Nutritionists Leanne Vogel and Amber Romaniuk, answering your questions about hormones, weight loss and how it relates to high-fat living. There’s so much more to achieving blissful health than sticking to a meal plan and sweating it out at the gym 5 days a week. If our hormones are out of whack, much of our effort goes out the window. (Hint: if you live on the planet Earth, it’s likely that your hormones could use some TLC). Amber Romaniuk of Amber Approved stopped by the Healthful Pursuit YouTube channel for my first ever guest Q&A. We chatted all about hormones, weight loss and how eating high-fat interacts with a woman’s body… from a woman’s perspective. Basically? If you’re a

Master Your Hormones and Weight... By Eating "High-Fat" #lowcarb #hormones #paleo #sugarfree #keto

An epic Q&A with Holistic Nutritionists Leanne Vogel and Amber Romaniuk, answering your questions about hormones, weight loss and how it relates to high-fat living.

There’s so much more to achieving blissful health than sticking to a meal plan and sweating it out at the gym 5 days a week. If our hormones are out of whack, much of our effort goes out the window. (Hint: if you live on the planet Earth, it’s likely that your hormones could use some TLC).

Amber Romaniuk of Amber Approved stopped by the Healthful Pursuit YouTube channel for my first ever guest Q&A. We chatted all about hormones, weight loss and how eating high-fat interacts with a woman’s body… from a woman’s perspective.

Basically? If you’re a woman and you’re wired and tired, depressed and chunky, dry and cranky, and straight-up frustrated that your body is “working against you”, scroll down, press play and stay awhile.


  • The 1 thing you’re doing that’s harming your ability to lose weight
  • Why your food allergies are leading to weight gain
  • How eating high-fat, low-carb can help regulate your menstrual cycle
  • How to shut down sugar cravings in 30 seconds
  • Why steady state cardio isn’t helping you lose weight
  • The truth behind your “normal” blood work results


Answering your questions about hormones, weight loss and how it relates to high-fat living…

  • What do I do when I’m eating healthy but not losing weight, or my weight is going up?
  • How does inflammation inhibit weight loss?
  • I don’t know how to stop binge eating. It’s overwhelming and I don’t know where to begin.
  • Does eating chia interrupt, or prevent, the absorption of vitamins?  If so, for approximately how long?
  • What if you have too much estrogen? Would flax seed increase it?
  • Just recently learned that I have breast cancer and like you, I’m trying to eat right for my hormones. In your opinion, are my flax days over?
  • Does collagen or gelatin affect a woman’s hormones so as to delay menses or increase estrogen?
  • How common is it for women to stop menstruating after going off the birth control pill? Why does this happen and how long is too long to go without a cycle?
  • What can women with amenorrhea do to actively work toward regaining their cycle? How can a high-fat/low-carb diet help?
  • I have always suffered with a lot of anxiety, and I’m afraid this is partly affecting my lack of menstruation, not to mention wreaking havoc on my health and hormones in other ways. I have adrenal fatigue and inflammation as well. Is a high-fat/low-carb diet the way to go? I really love eating this way!
  • What are the simplest ways to remove sugar from my life?
  • Everything I’ve read about adrenal fatigue warns against intermittent fasting and intense exercise. I personally do not like to snack, and prefer larger meals spaced 4-5 hours apart. Is the whole “don’t go more than three hours without eating” just more BS we’ve been fed?
  • I feel guilty when I don’t exercise often, especially because as a teenager I was pretty obsessive about it, but lately my body hasn’t felt up to it. I see you posting about pretty intense workouts, and I wonder if this is recommended for someone in the beginning of their hormone recovery, or if this is something that should come after healing takes place?
  • What are some key things that helped you in your journey to hormonal health? Being new to the high-fat/low-carb lifestyle can be tricky at times, and I often feel like I might be doing it wrong. Do you have any specific tips, food ideas, or pieces of advice for newbies?
  • I understand that every woman is an individual, but how long does it typically take to start seeing positive changes in hormones on a high-fat/low-carb diet? It can be tempting to quit something after a month or two because it doesn’t seem like it’s “working.”
  • Every test I’ve had done by my conventional doctors has come back normal. For years I’ve had the feeling that something is “not right” with my health (and obviously it isn’t!), and it’s frustrating that my blood tests never show it. My gyno says my hormone levels are all within the normal range. How is this possible if I’m not menstruating?

Amber and I had SO much fun answering your questions that she’s agreed to come back on the show for another Q&A. Have a question for us? Add your questions to the comments (below) and we’ll answer it!

SOURCE: Healthful Pursuit – Read entire story here.