Watch This Guy Dice a Whole Watermelon in 21 Seconds Flat

“DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME OR WORK” is one way to make sure someone doesn’t cut a hand off trying the “Matt Jones, Cut a Watermelon in 20 Seconds Challenge” shown above. All right, maybe that’s not a real challenge. Sure, “cut” could be interpreted a lot of ways. And yes, the guy above takes 21 seconds to dice the hell out of a watermelon, but that didn’t seem to trouble the more than 6 million people who have watched this video since it was posted on April 23, 2013. Jones, the man in the video, is an assistant produce manager at a Publix Supermarket, at least according to his Google+ profile (yes, people still use those). Chunking watermelons is apparently part of the job over there, and given his technique

“DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME OR WORK” is one way to make sure someone doesn’t cut a hand off trying the “Matt Jones, Cut a Watermelon in 20 Seconds Challenge” shown above.

All right, maybe that’s not a real challenge. Sure, “cut” could be interpreted a lot of ways. And yes, the guy above takes 21 seconds to dice the hell out of a watermelon, but that didn’t seem to trouble the more than 6 million people who have watched this video since it was posted on April 23, 2013.

Jones, the man in the video, is an assistant produce manager at a Publix Supermarket, at least according to his Google+ profile (yes, people still use those). Chunking watermelons is apparently part of the job over there, and given his technique, I doubt this is his first rodeo.

Other than the fact that he’s wearing safety cut gloves, Jones’ feat is all skill. For anyone who wants to try and beat his time, well, please don’t. Take head of Jones’ warning and enjoy his watermelon magic from a respectable, 10-fingered distance.

Originally posted April 2013. Updated May 2015.

SOURCE: Greatist RSS – Read entire story here.