Weekend Link Love – Edition 349

Sweepstakes of the Week: Enter to win a 5-year supply of Primal Kitchen™ Mayo Tomorrow’s your last chance to get the Autoimmune Wellness Bundle: more than 40 premier autoimmune resources, a $500+ value, for just $39. If any Primal Blueprint Podcast listeners would be so kind, please fill out this survey when you have a chance. Thanks! Research of the Week Researchers just found stone tools from 3.3 million years ago, pushing hominid technology back 700,000 years. Despite their bamboo diets, pandas still have the guts of carnivores. Poor pandas. Preschoolers by and large are not getting enough active play time at daycare. More than half of all probiotic supplements contain gluten. New Primal Blueprint Podcasts Episode 68: Nicolette Hahn Niman: If you want to know the truth behind

Weekend Link LoveSweepstakes of the Week: Enter to win a 5-year supply of Primal Kitchen™ Mayo

Tomorrow’s your last chance to get the Autoimmune Wellness Bundle: more than 40 premier autoimmune resources, a $500+ value, for just $39.

If any Primal Blueprint Podcast listeners would be so kind, please fill out this survey when you have a chance. Thanks!

Research of the Week

Researchers just found stone tools from 3.3 million years ago, pushing hominid technology back 700,000 years.

Despite their bamboo diets, pandas still have the guts of carnivores. Poor pandas.

Preschoolers by and large are not getting enough active play time at daycare.

More than half of all probiotic supplements contain gluten.

New Primal Blueprint Podcasts

Episode 68: Nicolette Hahn Niman: If you want to know the truth behind livestock sustainability and the solutions to today’s most pressing environmental issues, you should listen to host Mike DiLandro talk to Nicolette Hahn Niman, a cattle rancher from Northern California.

Each week, select Mark’s Daily Apple blog posts are prepared as Primal Blueprint Podcasts. Need to catch up on reading, but don’t have the time? Prefer to listen to articles while on the go? Check out the new blog post podcasts below, and subscribe to the Primal Blueprint Podcast here so you never miss an episode.

Interesting Blog Posts

Making meals out of insects is great and all, but how about art?

If you plan on eating a ketogenic diet, try using food.

Media, Schmedia

The Guardian gives keto a fair shake.

Also from The Guardian, a look at a new book on proper pooping.

Everything Else

Though the Super Bowl has passed, I’d still recommend checking out the newest edition of Pigskin Paleo, a book of delicious paleo-friendly game day sports bar-esque recipes.

A great (and important) 30 minute video about the legal difficulties faced by CrossFit. If you don’t want to watch a video, read this article.

I think I’ll pass on these burgers, thanks. Although it might be fun to order them bunless and see what happens.

How to grill steaks using actual lava.

In case you missed the Paleo f(x) livestream (and weren’t there in person), the videos, including my keynote, are now available here.

Anthony Bourdain plans to open a NYC food market based on Blade Runner. I’d go.

Japanese foodies on Twitter are apparently obsessed with slathering butter all over their food and posting about it. Sure, why not?

Recipe Corner

  • Paleo ambrosia salad. It’s well worth it to use fresh coconut if you can swing it.
  • Fat bombs are one delicious way to up your fat intake, if that’s what you’re into.

Time Capsule

One year ago (May 26 – June 1)

Comment of the Week

I was reading this thinking it would be a great workout to do one set of all of these in succession. Then I decided to just go walk the dog.

– Hey, that totally works too.

Primal Blueprint Expert Certification

SOURCE: Mark’s Daily Apple – Read entire story here.