Which endo motor should I use in 2024?

DD presents a brief guide to some different endodontic motors and what to consider when choosing which motor to buy.

Endodontic motors, commonly known as endo motorsare motor-powered files which can be used to help shape and finish root canals, allowing for quick and easy preparation. There’s much to consider when purchasing an Endo Motor, such as the file system, the customisability of the settings, whether an apex locator is included etc. This variety of choice can make it harder to effectively determine which Endo Motor is right for you and your practice’s needs. For those who are struggling, we’ve made this brief article to outline the component parts you might want in an endo motor and highlighted some good examples for each category.  

DD have published several news articles on handpieces, endodontics and handheld instruments which may be of use to you. Our article, ‘What are the different types of hand instruments?’ is a useful discussion on the various hand instruments in a dental practice, and the circumstances they should be used. Our article ‘ Top 10 things to look for when buying a dental hand piece’ is a brief buyer’s guide into qualities of dental handpieces, and what you should prioritise when looking to make a purchase. Our other articles on endodontics include the explainer article, ‘What is endodontics or root canal treatment?’, a discussion piece ‘Endodontics, are you a lover or a hater?‘, and a useful product guide, ‘UnoDent Rubber dam, the perfect match for every dentist!‘.

Which endodontic motor should I buy in 2024? 

The following pieces of equipment have been chosen from DD’s catalogue based on their features to provide a demonstration of the different types of endo motors. If you’re looking to shop a range of endo motors, please browse our range. 

Sendoline Endo Motor Complete Kit Including Apex Locator

Sendoline Endo Motor Complete Kit Including Apex Locator

Ergonomically well adapted, cordless and versatile, this motor is excellent for those looking for freedom of choice in their tools. This is a lightweight piece of equipment, which has been designed to be used in practices for extended periods of time without strain. The contra-angle for this endo motor is narrow, and rotates 360°, giving you easy access and ensuring you always have a clear view into the mouth. The battery life on this cordless motor is two and a half hours.

Endo Motor Complete Kit Including Apex Locator (ddgroup.com).

X-Smart Pro+ Endo motor with integrated apex locator

The X-Smart Pro+ has been designed for power, accuracy and ease-of-use. However, the standout feature of this tool is its patented Brushless DC Motor Control. This is a sensorless system for speed and torque feedback, which gives you quicker reaction times for stable file settings. This motor also uses a patented design called Dynamic Accuracy technology. This helps the user with direct length determination while actively shaping, and its auto-reverse function to keep your file on your desired target. 

XSmart ProPro Motor And Apex Locator (ddgroup.com).

CanalPro Jeni Endometer Full Set with Angled Handpiece

CanalPro Jeni Endometer Full Set with Angled Handpiece

Patient safety is one of the top priorities of this motor, and it achieves a new level of patient protection using its autonomous assistance platform. This platform measures and controls variable file movements millisecond-by-millisecond, meaning that torque and file stress are constantly being monitored and adjusted so as to adapt to the contours of the root canal. However, this means that this motor has been especially designed and calibrated to work with the following four file systems: the HyFlex CM, HyFlex EDM, MicroMega One Curve, MicroMega 2Shape.

CanalPro Jeni Endometer Full Set With Angled Handpiece (ddgroup.com)

elements Connect and Apex Connect

Patient safety and ease of use are the two elements which the Connect and Apex Connect motors prioritise in their design. The tools have several features which can help with procedure safety. There are light indicators in the motor handpiece and apex file clip to give you greater visibility, as well as audible alerts and a display for when you’re approaching the apex. The handset also comes with two removable batteries, meaning that you can always have one battery charged and ready, even if the other battery runs out.   

Micro-Mega Dual Move Handpiece Kit

This motor’s adaptability and freedom of movement is a stand-out among its contemporaries. The handpiece weighs 160g with its contra-angle. This motor’s slim, compact, and rotative design allows for improved access and visibility when working and can be used with either hand, a bonus for ambidextrous practitioners! Finally, the motor has a smart auto reverse on torque limit and can be calibrated on-demand to maximise safety, two very useful safety features.

OMM000 : MicroMega Dual Move Handpiece Kit (ddgroup.com).

What should I look for in an endo motor?

Firstly, there are personal and budgetary restrictions to which motor you might want to purchase. Look within your price range, and for a motor which strikes a balance between affordability and suitability. 

Ergonomics should be another high priority. You will need to be able to move your handpiece in a precise and accurate manner, while holding it firmly for a long time. Some endodontists prioritise a cordless motor, powered by a rechargeable battery. This will allow you greater freedom of movement without concerning yourself with cable management, but it will need regular charging and may end up being more expensive than its corded counterpart. 

Another feature to consider is whether or not you need a display. Some endo motors have large displays through which you can change your programs, monitor your torque and rpm, or track your apex positioning and measurements. These displays can make changing your settings and using your motor easier, but often incur an additional cost.

You may want to consider getting an endo motor with an integrated apex locator. An integrated apex locator can make root canal restoration much more efficient. 

You may want to make sure that your endo motor has easily customisable speed and torque settings, including pre-made programs for different tasks. This will give your motor a lot more versatility and will allow it to more closely suit your endodontic needs. Some endo motors also allow for different systems, these being continuous rotary, ATC, or reciprocal. This can help you save on buying several different motors and give you greater freedom on how you address root canal treatments.


When purchasing an endodontic motor, the tool’s reliability and longevity is another consideration you should make. Endodontic motors are an expensive investment for your practice, so you’ll want to choose one which you can rely on for years to come.

This becomes less of a consideration however if you have an appropriate repair plan. If you’re looking for information on how your handpieces can be kept in top condition, consider reading our page on DD’s Handpiece Repair and Maintenance. We offer a 24-hour turnaround on turbine repair and 48 hours on everything else. Free quotes, returns, warranty and postage. Read more about our handpiece repair services.

Finally, there is a question of compatibility. This has become less of a concern in recent years, since many newer-generation files are compatible with most endo motors. However, despite this, the fact remains that the majority of motors have better compatibility with files made by the same brand. This is a relatively small consideration to make, however, if your choice is between an Motor which uses a brand of file you aren’t familiar with, and an endo motor from your preferred brand, it may benefit you to choose the latter.

The above article was a paid-for advertisement by the DD Group. 

For more information, visit www.ddgroup.com or call 0800 585 586.

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