Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s Medicaid Policy––and Now His Position Not to Save Insurance Subsidies if the Supreme Court Strikes Them…

Speaking to a conservative group in Wisconsin this week, presumptive presidential candidate Scott Walker said he would not move to establish a state exchange in order to preserve the Obamacare federal insurance exchange subsidies if the Supreme Court strikes them down in an expected June ruling: We’re going to push back. The President of the United States––they’ve got to come up with a solution.

Speaking to a conservative group in Wisconsin this week, presumptive presidential candidate Scott Walker said he would not move to establish a state exchange in order to preserve the Obamacare federal insurance exchange subsidies if the Supreme Court strikes them down in an expected June ruling:

We’re going to push back. The President of the United States––they’ve got to come up with a solution.
SOURCE: Health Care Policy and Marketplace Review – Read entire story here.