Your most valuable source of guidance~ your intuitive body

Your Intuitive Body…. is your inborn survival system, that lets you sense and know and turn to your SELF for guidance… a reliable feedback system that lives within you… that speaks to you in each moment, fairly simply and usually quietly w/o any frills… It gives you feedback about people, places, the best choices for you, it lets you ‘read the energy’ of anything and anyone.

There is a trick.. two really.

~You have to learn how to listen well

~You have to learn how to trust it and follow its guidance

As ever, we tend to want to get our information and guidance from the external. Other people, the news, ‘the experts”, the research, social media… etc.

We search high and low for the answers…. are so outer-focused. But that’s a dangerous game. Addictive, unsatisfying, and unreliable because we are individual complex beings.

And while many of our needs and experiences and wants are truly universal… our moment by moment way of navigating the waters can be very individual. Our tolerances, our preferences, our physical bodies, our trauma levels, our beliefs… so many things, will make our capacity to navigate from an internally guided place be so much more powerful.

Plus… do you really want all of these forces outside of you to make choices for you? A herd mentality, the popular culture, the viral fear that becomes magnified in the media and elsewhere… is not a good thing to be run by.

And you know it.. And so do I. And yet we continue to choose to look beyond our own inborn wisdom and connection to the Divine and unseen forces that direct our soul, and the very individual Sacred Contracts that we agreed to before we incarnated.

start small.
As with anything… make shifts that are manageable and not too big a leap from your usual.

Maybe open to the idea that your #IntuitiveBody loves you, wants the best for you, and is always whispering to you. Create some moments of quiet, of pulling back from the onslaught of stimulation and the viral fear… and go inside… Put your hand over your heart.. and just be still.

Make the connection. Nothing you have to ‘do’…no actions you have to take… beginning to find some stillness, and open to the ways your intuition is speaking to you… is a beautiful place to begin.

Supporting my clients in learning to hear their own intuitive guidance, and to use it to shift patterns, behaviors, relationships, to tend their bodies with more love and support…to create daily rituals that connect them to the wisdom that is theirs… is some of what I have loved doing in my work of 37 years. Please reach out with any questions or anything else.

All love, xo lisa

#IntuitiveBody #YouAreTheTemple #YouAReTheMedicine #FollowBeauty

Also.. for this week.
A special. One of my favorite things I’ve ever created.
My sacred self-guided at home retreat… so beautiful, with beautiful reviews… normally available for $47, this week I’d love you to have it for $22. Read about it here . To receive your discount send the $22 to me directly at and I will send your copy toute suite! I know you’ll love it. xo

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